How to Avoid Being Stung by a Wasp

It is never fun to get stung by a wasp, and it can actually prove deadly if you have bee sting allergies. It is therefore important to learn how to avoid being stung in the first place. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid most stings, mainly because wasps sting only to defend themselves. 

How to Avoid Being Stung by a Wasp

To avoid the complications that come with a sting, you need to ensure that you do not do anything that makes the wasps feel intimidated. Moreover, when you are out in the open, you should not do anything to attract them towards you. Here are a few tips to learn how you can avoid being stung by a wasp.

1. Avoid Smelling Like a Flower

It means that if you are wearing a sweet, overly floral scent, you may end up attracting wasps towards you. It is a good idea to avoid heavily perfumed soaps, colognes, flowery deodorants, sweet-smelling hair products, and perfumed laundry detergents. You do not want wasps to know that you are the source of that delightful aroma, or else they will come closer to investigate more.

2. Deal with the Odor of Sweat

You may provoke wasps if you smell like a bear. This happens when you spend hours in biking and running. The wasps will take you as a threat and may attack you as well. Therefore, you should freshen up first to avoid any issue – just remember not to use scented soaps before going out.

3. Pay Attention to What You Wear

How to avoid being stung by a wasp? Ideally, you should be wearing something that is light colored. You should be going for close fitting clothing with long sleeves and pants. Dark colors can cause problems, and so can bright floral patterns. Your dark colored dress may make wasps to take you as bears or skunks, which can make them more aggressive. Avoid loose-fitting clothes at all cost because wasps can find those openings and get trapped in the clothes.

4. Be Careful When Eating Outside

You should avoid eating fruits and sugary food outside, or else you will be getting unwanted attention. Keep your food and drinks covered and properly dispose of melon rinds, peach pit, and orange and apple peels. It is better to put all these things in a covered container. Avoid drinking out of soda cans and use a cup instead, because wasps can easily crawl into drink cans.

5. Avoid Going Barefoot

Keep in mind that you will end up getting stung if you walk barefoot. This increases your risk of running into the nests of wasps – they make their nests on the ground. Moreover, there may be wasps if there are clover flowers in the grass. Therefore, you should pay attention to protecting your feet. Wear something; even you can opt for flip-flops to avoid dealing with an unexpected sting.

6. Maintain Your Distance

As mentioned already, you should not look like a threat to wasps or you will invite trouble. To learn how to avoid being stung by a wasp, you need to know how to identify their nests and hives and stay away from them. Wasps are going to go to the extreme in order to defend their territory, so you really do not want to provoke them.

7. Maintain Your Yard

Not paying attention to proper maintenance of your yard may increase the likelihood of being stung by a wasp. Wasps love thick vegetation around your home. Wasps are always on the lookout for patches of dirt on your lawn to make their nests. Consider seeding the lawn to ensure wasps do not find any bare spots to make a nest.

8. Limit Bad Vibrations

Strong vibrations like string trimmers and lawn mowers can make wasps feel threatened. It is a good idea to avoid power mowing, but if you really have to, be sure to use protective gear. Practice more care when trimming close to hives and nests.

9. Keep Your Car Windows Rolled Up

This tip is important, especially when you are in an area where there are plenty of wasps. They can easily get themselves trapped in your car, and once they do, they will start to panic and may sting you. That buzzing sound can also be quite unsettling when you are driving. It is therefore better to keep your windows rolled up, but if you already have wasps in your car, pull over and roll your windows down to help them get out of your car.

10. Call a Professional

You should know when to call in a professional to help deal with unwanted wasps. This is the last important tip when learning how to avoid being stung by a wasp. They are going to retaliate when you try to destroy their home. Therefore, you will be better off asking pest control experts to remove wasp nests for you.

What If You Are Stung by a Wasp?

In case you are stung by a wasp, you should seek immediate medical help if you are allergic to the stings. This is especially important if you feel lightheaded or experience breathing problems.

Mild to Moderate Reactions

If you develop a mild reaction, you can deal with it at home. Try the following steps:

  • Simply wash the area using soap and water, and try to remove the venom.
  • Apply a cold pack to the affected area to help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Keep your wound clean and dry to avoid dealing with any infection.
  • Apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream in case you experience skin irritation or itching. You can also mix colloidal oatmeal and baking soda to your bathwater and soak in it for a while to relieve itching.
  • Take OTC pain relievers to deal with pain. Antihistamine drugs such as chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine, may also help reduce itching.

Severe Reactions

You should go see your doctor if you develop a severe allergic reaction. Use your Epi-Pen if you have it available. Your doctor may give you additional epinephrine to help calm your immune system. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary in case you have breathing difficulties. Steroids, oxygen, or other medications may also be prescribed to help improve breathing.

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